Robert Canfield
Attorney Robert Canfield
Attorney Robert (Bob) Canfield was born and raised in Rockford, IL. He graduated from Guilford High School in 1965. After joining the Army in February of 1968, he went on to Army flight school and graduated 2nd in his flight class. He spent a year in Vietnam flying CH-47 Chinook helicopters for the 101st Airborne Division and then returned to Fort Rucker, Alabama, as an Instrument Flight Instructor.
Following active Duty, he attended the University of Minnesota where he received his BA in psychology in 1976 and his Law degree in 1978. After taking and passing both the Illinois and Minnesota bar exam in the fall of 1978, he settled back in Rockford to practice law.
Professionally, he started his law career working with an insurance defense firm. After a couple of years, he started his own practice and has spent decades practicing law on his own or in partnership with others. He currently is an owner and managing attorney with his firm, the Law Offices of Canfield & McKenna. He maintains a general practice with an emphasis in the areas of Family Law, Real Estate Law, Probate Law, Wills and Trusts and Business/Corporation Law.
In addition to his legal training and experience, he has enjoyed giving back to his community, both in military and civic service. After leaving active duty, he joined the Minnesota National Guard and, later, the Wisconsin National Guard, where he flew Helicopters until he retired after almost 30 years of military service. He retired with over 4000 flight hours and as an Army Master Aviator. While in the military, he had the privilege of flying Bob Hope, H. Ross Perot, Vice President Hubert Humphry and Vice President Walter Mondale, among others.
Bob is very active in his community. He is a past president of Riverfront Museum Park, Rockford Dance Company, and Rockford Rotary; past chair of the Rockford Fair Housing Board; and past commander of Rockford Sail and Power Squadron and District 20 of the United States Power Squadrons (America’s Boating Club). He is active in his church, Second/First and formerly Second Congregational Church, where he is former Chair of the Board of Deacons, Board of Trustees and of the Discernment and Vision team. He remains active in his church and as a member of various committees.
Bob has also taught Law and Economics at Rock Valley College. He has served and still serves on many other boards and committees. He is past President of Rockford Day Nursery and currently teaches the public boating class at Rock Valley College every year.
An avid boater, he has sailed and boated in many countries, including Greece, the Bahamas, Thailand, France, Canada, Tahiti, the Mediterranean and most of the Caribbean. And, he has boated all the Great Lakes, Alaska, the Chesapeake Bay, and the Mississippi River. He is a graduate of The Nautical School of Maritime Licensing and has earned multiple certificates from the American Sailing Association, and he currently boats out of his home port of Racine, Wisconsin.
As a retired military officer, he emphasizes integrity, compassion, preparation and honesty when dealing with clients. And, he believes it is very important to listen to his clients. He is a highly experienced lawyer and is well qualified to handle your case.